heat barrier

英 [hiːt ˈbæriə(r)] 美 [hiːt ˈbæriər]



  1. Using steady heat transfer theory and basing on known heat barrier data of type Liaoshen I solar greenhouse, this paper sets up a heat balance equation.
  2. Study on the Heat Insulting Behavior of Nanostructure YSZ Thermal Barrier Coatings
  3. One Dimensional Transient Heat Transfer Analysis in Ceramis/ Metal Gradient Thermal Barrier Coatings
  4. The results indicate that the critical ventilation speed is direct ratio to the heat release rate and reverse ratio to the height of the smoke barrier which lies in the stairs 'access between platform and concourse.
  5. The presented results showed that the mitochondria from Maxie cytoplasmic male sterile rice released more heat, had higher energy barrier and complicated mechanism and less rate in comparison to its fertile line in its energy release process.
  6. Finite Difference Analysis for Heat Transfer and Thermal Stress of Ceramic/ Metal Gradient Thermal Barrier Coating Cylinder
  7. This paper has discussed the changes in the rate of heat transmission as a result of thickness of the thermal barrier. The diameter of the barrier must be longer than the critical heat insulation diameter so as to reduce loss of heat.
  8. For the long term operation, the growth rate of temperature is higher than that of average temperature of the soil, the system analysis should therefore be implemented from the viewpoint of both energy equilibrium and heat barrier in order to ensure the whole stability and reliability.
  9. Thin-layer explosive tape with detonating critical thickness of 30 micrometre critical heat insulation diameter of the thermal barrier
  10. Presents the concept of heat barrier, and analyses its formation and some characteristics including irregular shape, dynamic changes and potential harmfulness.
  11. To solve exactly the temperature and heat flux in the thermal barrier coatings internal thermal radiation in coatings should be considered.
  12. Heat Transfer in Translucent Thermal Barrier Coatings of Turbine Engine
  13. In this paper, the hyperbolic phonon scattering model of non-Fourier heat conduction is used to investigate the temperature field in the thin thermal barrier coatings ( TBCs) and compared with the temperature field obtained from Fourier heat conduction model.
  14. Critical heat insulation diameter of the thermal barrier
  15. Limit Analysis for Thermal Elasticity of Composite Plate of Ceramic/ metal Heat Barrier Coat
  16. On site experiment at oil field proves that the heat barrier pipe made by welding method has rather good quality.
  17. With the development of manned space flight and aeronautics, the technical requirements for heat protection material and thermal barrier coating, etc.
  18. Heat Shock of Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coating and Its Sound Emission Monitor
  19. Heating system is composed of heat insulation barrier all made of metal and pure metal heating element, characterized as applicable for vacuum environment, high heating velocity, high heating temperature.
  20. Welding for prestressed heat barrier pipe
  21. Aim To assess the effect of heat shock factor-1 ( HSF1) and heat shock protein 70 ( HSP70) to tachyphylaxis by bradykinin in the opening blood-tumor barrier ( BTB).
  22. The heat insulation and active coolings are all needed in the thermal barrier issue of space vehicle, the temperature control of temperature-sensitive equipment, and heat dissipation of electronic devices.
  23. The primary heat exchanger ( PHX) is a key heat transmission equipment of the lead alloy cooled reactor, and it is also a safety barrier to prevent the radioactive lead alloy coolant.
  24. So vermiculite enhanced the fireproof and heat insulation properties of nylon by increasing activation energy barrier and decreasing decomposition rate.
  25. The results of EIS confirm that the heat treatment process not only improves the compactness of the film, but increases the energy barrier for electron transfer and electrochemical reaction.
  26. Having temperature inversions, there exists eddy diffusive heat flux from barrier layers to upper mixed layers. This study is based on microscale observations.
  27. Compared with the real heat engines, the Brownian heat engines are mainly driven by the barrier associated with time, temperature difference or chemical potential difference.
  28. The key design of vacuum barrier is jacket, because it can cut down the conductive heat and radiant heat from outer environment to the internal helium tubes by increasing the heat transfer routes. The thermal analysis of vacuum barrier also demonstrates the feasibility of the jacket design.
  29. Thermal barrier coatings ( TBCs) are one of the most advanced high temperature protective coatings and being wildly used in aeronautic, astronautics, motor industry and heat power station, for their good performance at thermal barrier and oxidation resistance.
  30. But PLA also has performance defects: brittleness, poor heat resistance, insufficient barrier properties, which limit the applied range.



  1. a limit to high speed flight imposed by aerodynamic heating

      Synonym:    thermal barrier